Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hebrews 1:1

1IN MANY separate revelations [[a]each of which set forth a portion of the Truth] and in different ways God spoke of old to [our] forefathers in and by the prophets,

God has always been wanting to communicate with mankind. He never stood disconnected with this lost planet. He never gave up on us, even though we messed up everything in the Garden and willfully rebelled against Him to disobey Him.

He used every means possible to communicate with man and assure him that, He still loves him.

To begin with, man lived with God in the godly realm in complete union with Him. A realm where Time had no dominion, Sin and Death had no control over him. But when man chose to disconnect himself from God, he fell from that realm of timelessness to a realm where Time had dominion over him, Sin gripped him and Death overtook him.

As man willfully chose to disconnect from God, God was helpless. Man drew himself to a position where, he could not hear God, or have complete union with God. But God never gave up on man. He always wanted to communicate with man, though it was not possible as before, God used every means available, Dreams, Visions, Prophets, Angels and finally His own Son.


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